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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Customer Satisfaction

Often, Companies tend to evade obtaining real feedback from customers.

Even when it is a requirement as under ISO 9001, they try to get away by saying that most customers do not respond when the survey form is sent to them. While it is generally true, it is the approach that is flawed - why would a customer bother about a piece of paper and spend time on it when he has more pressing work to do?

Is it not possible for a really concerned Company to ask their reps in different areas to visit the customer, sit across the desk with him and get his reaction, if the matter is really taken seriously?

I recently came across a good practice in a nationally renowned group engaged in a large urban service. It was pleasantly surprising to note that they had employed the well-known Nielson for carrying out the customer satisfaction survey so that they could get an independent, unbiased and professional feedback.

Cannot more companies follow this example?

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